Updated Kanbana Life Management App Launched with Exciting New Features

Updated Kanbana Life Management App Launched with Exciting New Features

June 4, 2024


Updated Kanbana Life Management App Launched with Exciting New Features

New version introduces a New Simplified Design, Horizontal and Vertical Views, Board Templates, Selectable Dark Mode, Bold and Muted Card Colors, and a Refreshed Approach to Kanban

Homestake Digital LLC is thrilled to announce the release of the newest version of its Kanbana app, a life management app designed to help users stay organized and simplify their lives. This latest version introduces several new features that enhance the user experience and provide more flexibility in managing tasks.

Ian Weingarten, Founder & CEO, stated, “We were introduced to Kanbana about a year ago and decided to acquire the product after finding it so useful in our own lives. We have spent the past year redesigning the brand, the website, the web application, and iOS mobile app as well as developing an Android version. I personally use Kanbana throughout the day. The web app is constantly up on my laptop, as I add, edit, and move tasks during work. Each morning, while drinking my coffee, I decide what I am going to work on that day and simply move those cards to that list using my mobile app.” Mr. Weingarten has started several technology companies after having spent a career in finance and private equity, including positions at Goldman Sachs, Apollo Management, and The Gores Group, and then serving as SVP, Corporate Development & Partnerships at Yahoo and CEO of System1.

New Simplified Design

Even though Kanbana was powerful and simple to use before, we thought through the app experience from beginning to end. We have made the design even more intuitive and simple to use, including a new tutorial for new users.

Horizontal (Kanban) and Vertical Views

We wanted to make the mobile experience even easier to use, particularly moving cards between lists. Therefore, we have introduced horizontal (Kanban) and vertical views in the mobile app. This feature allows users to easily switch the view of their boards from the classic horizontal Kanban view (with a column format) to a new vertical view where everything can be seen on one screen by opening and collapsing lists and scrolling down the phone.

Create Boards from Templates

To make task management even more intuitive, users can now create boards from templates. This feature allows users to quickly set up new boards and gives them some ideas into how boards can be arranged for work, home, shopping, school. etc. This will save time and effort and add a creative and fun vibe to task management. Users can create new boards from these templates and still fully customize them to suit their needs and personality.

Selectable Dark Mode

It is well understood that many users prefer a darker theme for their apps. Our iOS app previously had Dark Mode, but it was tied to the user’s setting on their device. Now, users can select in the app whether to present the app in dark or light mode, regardless of their phone’s dark mode setting.

Bold and Muted Colors

In response to user feedback, we have introduced a feature in the new Profile section for users to select to have their cards displayed using Bold or Muted Colors. This provides a more customizable look and feel for the app. We had already introduced this in our web app last year, and based on positive user response and consistency, have included it in the newest release of our mobile apps.

New Approach to Kanban

The new app launch has also reimagined the traditional Kanban approach. We wanted to merge the best of what Kanban and To-Do lists have to offer.  In this new version, users can simply click on cards to indicate they are complete. This eliminates the need for a ‘Done’ or ‘Completed’ column (which is the case in classic Kanban boards), although users can still opt to use one if they prefer.

“After months of development, we are thrilled to unveil the new look and feel of Kanbana.  Inspired by the need for seamless productivity across devices, we embarked on this journey to enhance our users’ experience and empower individuals to manage their tasks effortlessly and more intuitively from desktops, tablets, and phones,” said Todd Waldman, COO. “The revamped Kanbana boasts an updated modernized interface, providing users the ability to choose between visually immersive Kanban-style boards or the simplicity of a list view, so users can more efficiently organize and prioritize their tasks. This overhaul is the product of our unwavering commitment to facilitating productivity in every user’s daily life.”

We believe these new features will greatly enhance the user experience and make Kanbana the life management app even more enjoyable and effective. We invite everyone to try out the new version of the Kanbana app and discover a new level of productivity.

For more information, please visit our website at kanbana.com.

About Kanbana

Kanbana is a life management application that helps users stay organized and simplify their lives. It offers a visual system for managing work as it moves through a process, allowing users to see the big picture across all their devices.

With a constant focus on making life and task management intuitive and fun, always remember, Kanbana is Your Life Management Application.

Press Contact

Todd Waldman, COO


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